Berea College Celebrates Dedication of Deep Green

Friday, November 22, 2013
On Friday, October 18, Berea College officially dedicated its Hastings+Chivetta-designed Deep Green Residence Hall. The building is expected to achieve LEED Platinum Certification by the U.S. Green Building Council and meet Petal Recognition under the Living Building Challenge by the International Living Future Institute.
The Building boasts such sustainable features as roof top solar panel arrays which will provide 15% of the buildings annual usage. Heating and cooling will be provided by a central geothermal heat pump with a four-pipe system to each bedroom and a heating/cooling/outside air unit. Operable, high efficiency windows and ceiling fans provide natural ventilation and, when in use, automatically shut off fan coil units. Energy Star rated appliances and low-flow plumbing fixtures were selected. Even the construction methods employed and materials – local and recycled – were chosen based on sustainability.
Student involvement was key both the planning and the completion of this building. In keeping with the tradition of Berea’s Work Program, students designed and constructed 267 pieces of furniture for the new residence hall. Woods for furniture and casing were harvested by mule directly from the 8,000 acre FSC Certified Berea College Forest. Students also constructed the building’s iconic ceramic sundial and created the artwork displayed in the common areas.
Visit Berea College to read more.