
Come Visit H+C at the 2013 NIRSA Triventure
Monday, October 14, 2013
Categories: Staff, Where Will We Be?
Erik Kocher and Dale Harvey will be representing Hastings+Chivetta at the NIRSA Recreation Facilities Institute in Denver this week - Wednesday through Friday. The NIRSA Institute provides educational sessions on planning, constructing, renovating and operating recreation centers...
Recent Promotions at H+C
Friday, September 13, 2013
Categories: In the News, Staff
Hastings+Chivetta is happy to announce three recent promotions: Chris Caciano has been promoted to Chief Operating Officer, Kayte Theriac has been promoted to Chief Financial Officer, and Lauren Halbruegge has been promoted to Senior Accountant...
Hastings+Chivetta Pedal the Cause 2013
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Categories: In the News, Staff
Hastings+Chivetta Architects is proud to once again be participating in Pedal the Cause. Pedal the Cause is a cycling challenge organized to raise money for cancer research and ultimately lead to a cure for cancer...
Erik Kocher Talks About the Reality of LEED Design at the 2013 NIRSA Conference
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Categories: In the News, Resources, Staff
Everyone is talking about campus sustainability, but not everyone is living it. In his session, Erik Kocher, AIA, LEED AP, discusses both the beneficial and frustrating realities of sustainability in campus recreation facilities...
Integrating Institutional Mission with Architecture
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Categories: Resources, Staff, Where Will We Be?
Chris Chivetta will be presenting at the ACE (American Council on Education) Annual Meeting in Washington DC this weekend, together with Stephanie Fabritius, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Centre College...
What’s Your Game Plan?
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Erik Kocher, AIA, LEED AP and Steve DeHekker, AIA, LEED AP gave a presentation at the annual Athletic Business conference. Proper preparation lays the foundation for successful project outcomes...
Keeping Recreation Centers Current
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Erik Kocher presented on this topic at the 2012 NIRSA Conference. Download his presentation here.
H+C Welcomes Becky Sigman
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Categories: Staff
Hastings+Chivetta is happy to welcome Becky Sigman, LEED AP BD+C, as a Planner/Programmer and Space Analyst. Working in tandem with Hastings+Chivetta’s team of architects and planners, Becky ensures that options developed are in keeping with our clients’ goals and expectations...Technology in the World of Recreation Centers
Monday, November 28, 2011
At the 2011 Athletic Business Conference, Chris Chivetta, PE, LEED AP, was selected to present on the topic of ever-changing technology in Recreation Center design. Chris discussed technology as it relates to: Building Systems Operational Issues User Interface Download the full presentation here.
Dramatic Comeback: Successful Reuse of Aged Facilities
Monday, November 28, 2011
Steve DeHekker, AIA, LEED AP was chosen to present on the topic of revitalizing aged facilities at the annual Athletic Business Conference. Hastings+Chivetta specializes in the creative reuse of existing facilities, including the transformation of the aging Student Recreation Center at the University of Missouri-Columbia...