Hastings+Chivetta participates again in Cor Jesu’s S.E.E. week
Monday, June 20, 2016
Hastings+Chivetta Project Architect Carl Drafall, RA, LEED AP BD+C recently spent a day with students from Cor Jesu Academy during their Summer Engineering Experience (S.E.E.) week to talk about engineering disciplines and how they interact with architects.
Drafall helped lead the 16 students through interactive activities to learn about construction scheduling and estimating, focused specifically on the Hastings+Chivetta-designed Performance Gym and Student Commons that is currently being constructed on their campus. The day-long activities were done at the building site, giving the students a special insight into how the project is progressing.
The 39,400 SF project will allow the private K-12 school to provide new courses and state-of-the-art learning, as well as grow the school’s sports programs. The three-level performance gym is comprised of a performance court, bleachers and weight and workout rooms. The student commons area overlooks the gym and will have a multipurpose room, athletic offices and new classrooms. The building will incorporate open and flexible space to allow students to gather and collaborate in study areas. The project is scheduled to be complete in 2017.
Hastings+Chivetta has partnered with Cor Jesu during S.E.E. week for all three years of the program’s existence. The program allows rising junior and senior students to work side-by-side with industry professionals in a hands-on effort to provide understanding and generate excitement about career opportunities in the field of engineering.