New Science Complex at SIUE Creates Opportunity for Growth

Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Chris Chivetta was interviewed by St. Louis Construction News and Review for an article touting the progress on the Science Building at Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville.
You can read the full article here.
Due to be completed this spring, the science program at SIUE will no longer be inhibited by a lack of undergraduate lab space. As the science building architects, Hastings+Chivetta incorporated new labs for chemistry, biology and environmental sciences, including undergraduate research labs. Interaction and collaboration are key focus areas for the new facility, with ample space designed for faculty and students to engage one another. Thanks to the transparent design of the new lobby, study and conference rooms will be highly visible to passersby, reinforcing the desire for the science program to be a more prominent campus presence.
When the new science building is complete, renovations to the existing 1966 facility will begin. Labs and offices for the physics, math and statistics departments will be state-of-the-art, and comparable to those in the new facility.
The new Science Building is on target to achieve LEED Silver certification.