Our People

Diana Daly

Senior Proposal Coordinator

Diana joins our team at Hastings+Chivetta Architects as a Senior Proposal Coordinator. After graduating with a BA in Biology & Fine Arts, she initially started as a research assistant at the University of Michigan. Although the research environment was impressive, she soon realized it wasn’t the right fit for her. This realization sparked a deep interest in architecture, interior design, and the impact of the built environment on our lives. This interest led her to pursue a Master of Science in Design and a career in design and architectural marketing. Now, she brings her love for design and professional skills to our marketing team, where she continues to explore and shape impactful spaces.


  • Bachelor of Arts in Biology & Fine Art — Kalamazoo College
  • Master of Science in Design — University of Massachusetts

Q&A with Diana Daly

  • What is your favorite sport to watch, or to play? I grew up as a competitive swimmer through college, so swimming and triathlons are two of my favorites. I don’t watch many sports on TV, but I love watching the Olympics.
  • Do you play an instrument? In theory, I can play the violin. In reality, I play it poorly. I love being in the presence of those who play well though and enjoy going to the St. Louis Symphony.
  • Best vacation ever? It is a tie between going out west with my family to explore southern Utah or backpacking through Italy and Switzerland during my foreign study in college.