The Governor of Ohio has identified seven new Hubs of Innovation aimed at urban renewal and fostering economic partnerships between private industry and centers of knowledge. The Hubs will be spread across the state, taking advantage of existing research relationships. This first Hub is dedicated to aerospace innovation. A flagship facility for the University of Dayton, it joins private research and development with work at the university’s Research Institute, Wright-Patterson Air Force Research Laboratories, the National Composite Center and Wright State University. The new Electrical Power Integrated Systems Research and Development Center (EPISCENTER) will be operated by General Electric’s Aviation Division. GE chose this location for its proximity to aerospace development. Research activities will focus on advanced power starter/generation, conversion, and distribution technologies for civil and military applications. To create a unique blend of business and laboratory space, the university selected Hastings+Chivetta Architects. The team was charged with the task of designing a facility that respects existing campus architecture and complies with General Electric’s Green Building Guidelines (GBG). The GBG are written with the same organizational structure developed by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) for the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) green building rating system. The EPISCENTER houses approximately 51,000 SF of offices distributed on four floors. The laboratory building consists of 91,430 SF of high-bay space. The mid-rise office structure and laboratories are linked by an enclosed walkway. Every detail of the building design is in line with GE branding and was subjected to a rigorous approval process. The design process was kept in strictest confidence to protect the innovation planned to occur in the building.
Project News
University of Dayton EPISCENTER featured in Green Building & Design Magazine