Our roots, our specialty and our passion lie in campus architecture. We believe these spaces of learning and community present the greatest opportunities to invoke the spirit and impact the lives of everyone who encounters them. From the high school senior on her admissions tour, to a community member visiting the neighborhood recreation center, to the department chair having lunch in the quad, we contribute to everyone’s positive experience of stepping onto campus.
With each client, our goal is to understand the nature of the bonds that community members or students or staff feel towards one another, and the history and traditions of the institution. Only then can we develop a concept that will meet our clients’ needs and expectations. We understand that no building is an island – it is part of an interconnected network of buildings, pathways, quads and, most importantly, people. We design facilities that respond to the unique context of each campus. We bring a high level of design excellence that maintains flexibility for future technology and changes in enrollment or population, and is respectful of the whole campus environment.

University of Idaho
Idaho Central Credit Union Arena
Centre College
A. Eugene Brockman Residential Commons
Marshall University
Arthur Weisberg Family Applied Engineering Complex
Missouri State University
Bill and Lucille Magers Family Health and Wellness Center
Georgia Institute of Technology
Campus Recreation Center
Valparaiso University
Center for the Sciences Phase One – Chemistry and Biochemistry Building
University of Tulsa
Collins Hall | Welcome Center
Berea College
Shinn Residence Hall
Murray State University
Engineering Physics Building