Upcoming STEM conference presentations

Upcoming STEM conference presentations

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

As leaders in STEM education, Hastings+Chivetta team members are frequently asked to speak at conferences about how facilities can enhance shifting science and engineering pedagogies, how to maximize flexibility in learning and teaching spaces, and other trends in higher education. In the upcoming months, Hastings+Chivetta staff will be speaking at the following conferences:

I2SL conference
Project Architect Bob Bohack and Sustainable Facilitator Leslie Garner
Where: Kansas City, MO
When: September 25-28
Presentation topic: Selecting the appropriate mechanical, ventilation, plumbing and electrical systems to maximize the functionality, safety, energy use and sustainability of various laboratory projects.

Learn more about the I2SL conference.


Academic Impressions conference – 21st Century STEM Facilities: Collaborative Design for Campus and Community
Hastings+Chivetta President Christopher Chivetta, Construction Administrator Lorraine Logan and Project Designer Al Wolf
Where: St. Louis, MO
When: October 5-7
Presentation topic: How the design team worked with Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Engineering Building Addition and New Science Building (pictured) to make decisions on the programming, design and construction process for the STEM complex. Attendees also will be given a guided tour of both SIUE projects.

Learn more about the Academic Impressions conference.


Tradeline College and University Science and Engineering Facilities 2016
Who: Hastings+Chivetta President Christopher Chivetta and Project Manager Kevin Magness
Where: Boston, MA
When: October 27-28
Presentation topic: A closer look at how institutions are setting up and managing makerspaces.

Learn more about the Tradeline Science and Engineering Facilities conference.